Fremont Studio

The details matter.

Elena Parry has an eye for detail. An eye that’s served her well throughout her career. With over a decade of experience in design, marketing, and branding, Elena decided it was time to take her dream of Interior Design more seriously.

While on maternity leave she decided to leap into a Diploma of Interior Design to see where her passion could take her.

From mat-leave to biz-launch

Returning from maternity leave to discover the company she worked for was going bust, she thought, “Sweet, now is my chance to give it a go and see what comes from it - and I haven’t looked back”.

Fremont Studio was born. She started to develop a pipeline of projects with her little apprentice in tow, including a full-scale renovation in Queenstown, which solidified her belief that this was where she was meant to be.

Designing beautiful spaces

Specialising in residential interior design, Elena has worked across projects of all shapes, and sizes across NZ - from individual rooms to new builds, furniture procurement and full renovations. And just taking a peek at Fremont Studio’s Instagram, you can see the breadth and quality of what they’re working across.

Having now found a comfortable spot in the market with word spreading about Fremont Studio and people starting to shoulder-tap Elena for projects, she realised it was time to transition from the world of sole trading to registering her own company.

Finding the right business account

“Fremont Studio is a ‘simple’ business - if such a thing exists. We need an account for money to come in, money to go out, that makes accounting, reconciliation & bookkeeping easy.” said Elena.

But opening a business bank account was anything but simple for Elena. After chasing her bank for help, with little progress, her husband mentioned Emerge.

So, with nothing to lose, she gave it a go.

A note from Emerge

When Emerge was still a concept, we knew one of the key pain points we needed to solve for small businesses was the time it took to open an account.

We spent more time than we’d like to admit making sure we could make it as simple, pain-free and quick for business owners to get an account, register their business and start transacting. We’re really proud of it.

And it’s reflected in what we hear from our awesome customers like Elena and others almost daily.

With growth on the agenda for Fremont Studio, we are stoked to provide all the tools Elena needs to grow her business, focus on the details and prioritise what she loves doing - crafting beautiful spaces for clients.

If you'd like to find out more or get in touch...

Elena is always on the lookout for projects that excite her and that she lend her eye for detail to. If you're looking for someone dedicated to beautiful simplicity and design-thinking for your home...
Get in touch